AAARAD Past President

Mehul Lakhani
Vice Chair of Finance & Administration,
University of Colorado

AAARAD Past President

The Past President remains on the AAARAD Board for one year following the conclusion of his/her term as President at the Annual Meeting (typically held in October to coincide with the SCARD Annual Meeting). The purpose is to provide continuity in terms of board issues, and to provide advice/guidance as required to the new President, for example, in creating the fall program agenda. The other key role of the Past President is to solicit nominations for the AAARAD Board in the following year.

Annual & Periodic Tasks

Prior to the Fall AAARAD meeting, the Past President consults with the President, President-Elect and Secretary to determine how many open positions will exist in the following year and to brainstorm names of AAARAD members who might be willing to serve on the Board. Between June and August, in conjunction with the President, President-Elect and Secretary, the Past President then creates a final list of nominees to the Board. This is submitted by early August to the Survey Coordinator, who is then responsible for sending the electronic ballot to the Membership for voting 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting on behalf of the Secretary.

Monthly & Ongoing Tasks
  1. Participate in monthly Board conference call
  2. Spend about 2 hours per month between June and August developing the Board nominee list in conjunction with the President, President-Elect and Secretary.
  3. Act as the ARLM Liaison for CE Participation / Submission for Fall meeting